Personal excellence

Saying No

In the professional sphere, the impulse to automatically say "yes" can be a powerful force. Whether driven by the desire to please, fear of conflict, or the ambition to excel, this reflex can sometimes lead us astray. However, true wisdom in decision-making comes from balance: weighing our needs against the needs of others and the situation at large. This blog introduces a nuanced approach to decision-making, represented through a quadrant that aids in understanding the multifaceted nature of our choices.    Deciphering the Quadrant of Decision-Making  To navigate the complex landscape of professional decisions, envision a quadrant that categorizes our responses based on two axes: the X-axis representing the spectrum from personal gain to broader considerations, and the Y-axis distinguishing between "yes" and "no" decisions. Here's how the quadrant appears: Personal gain Broader considerations Saying yes: Decisions made to protect personal image or avoid discomfort, overlooking broader consequences. Decisions consider [...]

Saying No2024-07-01T10:19:33+02:00

My basic purpose

I'm often asked why I do what I do. I know the answer deep down, but I rarely publish it. During the global shock of COVID-19, I had no choice but to confront the question again. This is a very personal post that deliberately focuses on me.   From a young age, I knew I enjoyed making a lot from very little. I loved working to get as much value from something as I could. Given a little, I see the opportunity and I make magic.   Growing up, I worked at my gran's shop during school holidays. With my sister, we created a parcel counter (a place for shoppers to leave their bags while shopping). I enjoyed that we made something useful from an old, filthy room. And it gave customers an excellent experience.   I thrive on making the best use of available resources. I see the opportunity in [...]

My basic purpose2022-07-26T14:18:59+02:00

Seriously, is that a lawnmower? Basic etiquette for online meetings

During a time like this, virtual meetings are a necessity. These can be agonising if not done right. I used to work from a Dubai office while my extended team sat across many countries. The rules that follow are a result of lessons learned during this time. Online meetings come with peculiar liabilities. Basic etiquette can solve these. This post applies more to meetings than webinars. Both call for different sets of conduct. 1. The Golden Rule: Treat your online meeting like a regular meeting Arrange your day so that you can be present during the meeting. If it were not an online meeting, it would be in a meeting room with everyone there and participating. The fact that it is an online meeting does not make it okay to do the groceries while attending the meeting. Get comfortable in a chair at a desk. Have your coffee or water [...]

Seriously, is that a lawnmower? Basic etiquette for online meetings2022-07-26T14:20:54+02:00
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