
About Kerushan Govender

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Unleash Your Superpower: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Entrepreneurship

We are living in the age of agency, where technology has empowered individuals to pursue their passions and create their own paths to success. Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this revolution, revolutionizing entrepreneurship in ways we couldn't have imagined before. From automating mundane tasks to analyzing vast amounts of data, AI is unleashing the superpower within each entrepreneur, allowing them to focus on what truly matters and achieve unprecedented levels of productivity and innovation. Join us on this journey as we explore the ways in which AI is revolutionizing entrepreneurship and how you can harness its power to unleash your own superpowers.   Understand and simplify Understand and simplify are the key words when it comes to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in entrepreneurship. As entrepreneurs, it's crucial to grasp the potential of AI and its numerous applications in order to take full advantage of this game-changing [...]

Unleash Your Superpower: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Entrepreneurship2024-07-03T14:34:28+02:00

Are you still using a generator to power your server room?

You are not alone. With the most recent spate of load shedding ravaging our country, many businesses in South Africa find themselves at the mercy of harmful, smoke-emitting, diesel-powered generators. These generators, though once a reasonably efficient method of offsetting the effects of load shedding, are now considered costly, intrusive, and ineffective. The utter damage that can be caused to the electrical and IT infrastructure of your business by these unpredictable power surges and their effects are a major concern for organisations. Of course, organisations also have the alternative to employ costly backup batteries to help quell the side effects of load-shedding. Though these have also been effective for many companies until now, the sheer rate of load shedding recurrence due to the most recent Eskom crisis has left major South African companies in the lurch. MTN is one of the latest companies to have suffered such a fate at its [...]

Are you still using a generator to power your server room?2022-07-20T11:35:19+02:00

My basic purpose

I'm often asked why I do what I do. I know the answer deep down, but I rarely publish it. During the global shock of COVID-19, I had no choice but to confront the question again. This is a very personal post that deliberately focuses on me.   From a young age, I knew I enjoyed making a lot from very little. I loved working to get as much value from something as I could. Given a little, I see the opportunity and I make magic.   Growing up, I worked at my gran's shop during school holidays. With my sister, we created a parcel counter (a place for shoppers to leave their bags while shopping). I enjoyed that we made something useful from an old, filthy room. And it gave customers an excellent experience.   I thrive on making the best use of available resources. I see the opportunity in [...]

My basic purpose2022-07-26T14:18:59+02:00

Seriously, is that a lawnmower? Basic etiquette for online meetings

During a time like this, virtual meetings are a necessity. These can be agonising if not done right. I used to work from a Dubai office while my extended team sat across many countries. The rules that follow are a result of lessons learned during this time. Online meetings come with peculiar liabilities. Basic etiquette can solve these. This post applies more to meetings than webinars. Both call for different sets of conduct. 1. The Golden Rule: Treat your online meeting like a regular meeting Arrange your day so that you can be present during the meeting. If it were not an online meeting, it would be in a meeting room with everyone there and participating. The fact that it is an online meeting does not make it okay to do the groceries while attending the meeting. Get comfortable in a chair at a desk. Have your coffee or water [...]

Seriously, is that a lawnmower? Basic etiquette for online meetings2022-07-26T14:20:54+02:00

Raising the game in IT

IT has come a long way from the days of merely supporting the business from afar. At the risk of sounding like an IT zealot, I must remark that IT is, today, a means by which all business is done. Try to remember the last time you were involved in a business transaction where technology did not form any part of executing the transaction. Let’s say you walked into a grocer, picked up a bottle of milk, paid for it in cash and left. Even in such a limited and simple transaction, it is likely that the till-point was automated, or at the very least, the milk arrived at the store as a result of a logistics and distribution system. Let’s test the concept further. Consider that for most cities around the world, the city lights and the water supply into the city (not to mention the several other city services [...]

Raising the game in IT2022-07-26T14:21:02+02:00

Changing IT buying patterns

Today's IT sales journey stands in stark contrast to the traditional IT "single go-live" mindset: "Let's go-live with our monumental project in 2 years!" followed by a period where users struggle to adopt and get used to the system. Everything happens in one fell swoop. The IT sales journey described below inverts this. It's all about lean methods: iterating and about learning through the life of the project. It's about a journey, not a final destination. Customer Expectations are shifting IT buyer expectations are shifting along the lines in which cloud is sold. Customers tend to favour smaller upfront purchases, which may carry with them longer term, incremental (subscription-based) purchases. This shift has seeped into both the buying mindset and budgeting decision process of organisations. The new IT sales journey capitalises on how cloud is affecting both the manner in which IT services are procured and, primarily, the manner in which [...]

Changing IT buying patterns2022-07-26T14:21:10+02:00

Exploiting the power of content

Imagine Matt, he's a used muscle-car salesman. He wants to sell used muscle-cars. He gets decent traffic on his website via word of mouth and through print advertising, but he wants to increase that traffic and turn it into actual sales. Matt isn't sure where to start. How does he effectively enter a marketplace? How does marketing work in the digital era where options are plenty and bright lights are common place? How does he reach his audience, in particular, in ways that his competitors do not? How does he get his potential customers to want HIM to contact them, rather than waiting for them to simply arrive? Ultimately, how does he make the sale? Let's follow Matt through a tried and tested marketing-to-sales flow. This is a flow from digital content to in-person sales. Key to this flow is maintaining a consistent story across the digital and physical realms. This [...]

Exploiting the power of content2022-07-26T14:21:18+02:00
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