“Let’s use computers to make the world more human”
“Let’s use computers to make the world more human”

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This book is about monetising your passion. It is a practical handbook that gives the reader actual tools and methods to do so. Many people believe that it is not possible to earn handsomely doing what you love. In fact, many relegate their labour of love to mere hobbies or pastimes. But working a job you love does not have to be pipedream. That mindset was more valid a few years ago than it is today. Thanks to the availability, accessibility and adoption of today’s powerful technology, there is hardly a problem that cannot be solved when technology is applied to it.

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At the end of the day, we want a world of X-Men where each person has the opportunity to show their specific superpower. How can we use tech as an enabler of human performance? What basic and doable steps can we take in day-to-day work that unleashes greatness?
The show lines up an impressive array of guests. The primary goal is to engage in a rich technology conversation in a very human way. We never let go of the ideal that the sole purpose of tech is to bring out the best in people. We don’t like theorists and insist on guests who are relevant, practical and in-touch.
As much as the show is about “serious stuff” no opportunity for a bit of fun is missed. Who is going to say no to a quick opportunity to escape the mundane on a Wednesday morning?

At the end of the day, we want a world of X-Men where each person has the opportunity to show their specific superpower. How can we use tech as an enabler of human performance? What basic and doable steps can we take in day-to-day work that unleashes greatness?
The show lines up an impressive array of guests. The primary goal is to engage in a rich technology conversation in a very human way. We never let go of the ideal that the sole purpose of tech is to bring out the best in people. We don’t like theorists and insist on guests who are relevant, practical and in-touch.
As much as the show is about “serious stuff” no opportunity for a bit of fun is missed. Who is going to say no to a quick opportunity to escape the mundane on a Wednesday morning?

With a frank and authentic manner, Kerushan hones in to the root of issues and engages audience with precision clarity. He has delivered hundreds of successful talks across the world for more than 16 years.

As a self-taught coder in his teens, Kerushan has always been obsessed with the possibilities unleashed by technology. He shares this vision enthusiastically in all his work, by reimagining service models.

Kerushan excels at crafting a sound narrative, designed in careful harmony with the needs of the intended audience. As a trained Statistician, Kerushan is able to configure a credible insight-driven narrative.

The role of people in a digital world
As we move furiously, at increasing pace, into a digital era and beyond, the role of the human is more prominent than ever. Digital is entirely useless in the absence of its master, the humble human. For the simple reason that digital is an enabler of human ambitions, we need to actively see to it that people are not left behind in the digital evolution. More importantly, by reorienting the purpose of tech squarely toward human benefit, we mitigate against creating tech for the sake of itself.

“Very few speakers have the ability to captivate an audience and keep their attention beyond their introduction. I have been an audience member of Kerushan Govender’s presentation a number of times and have always been impressed and inspired by his ability to keep his audience’s attention to the very last word. Kerushan brings energy and enthusiasm and provides clarity of message to his audience while also demonstrating his business and people leadership skills and entrepreneurial spirit through his messages.”

“Kerushan is a wonderful speaker and his content is on point! He’s very engaging and easy to listen to! I will definitely try to hire him to speak at our event – if I can get him!!”

“Thanks for the great friend, Kerushan Govender comes from Dubai, gave Taiwan so much help with high spirit!!! You have great enthusiasm in your profession, you are a very inspiring person and influenced many of us in your speech. We love you!!!”

“I have seen Kerushan Govender speak on many topics over the last 3-5 years. Each time he seems to hit the crux of the issues with absolute sharpness while creating an engaging atmosphere with all in the audience whether many or few.”

“I must say I experienced one of the most power-packed, mind-blowing seminars that I have been to. Kerushan was not only energetic but he made sure that the information presented was easy to understand and engaged the audience strongly. I had so many take-aways from his seminar but the key takeaway was that I was able to see how I can recognise the source of a problem and handle it which helped me debug situations in my business and in life. Thanks Kerushan for your awesome seminar in New Delhi!”

“KG has the amazing ability to talk to a large group and I felt he is only talking to me – the connection with the topic and relating it to the audience is a major strength. KG is articulate, without speaking over the heads of the audience. On stage or when speaking to one or two people, he has a presence that makes the audience want to listen. He is calm, engaging and puts his views across in a manner that ensures the audience gets it.”

“I wish to extend a note of gratitude to Kerushan for his immense contribution that he has made to the Institute and its members during our various key events. Drawing on his experience, insight, expertise and knowledge, he has impacted the growth of both the Institute, and her members’, and it is always a pleasure to work with him. He has made a sterling contribution to three senior-executive management conferences.”