with Kerushan Govender

with Kerushan Govender


I’m not sure how things are going for you, but recently, I felt a bit of the mid-year blues. I guess I needed a bit of a “booster” to refuel my drive toward my 2022 goals. So I dug up a few business articles that gave me just the dose of inspiration I needed. I felt so good after reading these that I wanted to share them with as many people as possible.

Then I had a bright idea. Why don’t we get a few like-minded people together? Almost like a support group for goal-driven individuals. This way, we can all benefit from a dose of business inspiration from time to time. I mean, who doesn’t have a day where a bit of extra inspiration might help?

So I’m taking the bull by the horns and making the first move. Come join me for a “Coffee & Goals” chat at our premises in Century City, Cape Town. At a minimum, you will be treated to a delicious coffee and an hour of uplifting banter. There is no cost to you for attending.

If you’re not in Cape Town and would like to join, we’ll send you a Zoom link.

Please let us know by filling out the below form on whether you can make it in person or by Zoom.

Dates for this month added below.